Prior to entering a relationship, it is essential that you put some measures in place that would ensure your relationship does not hit the rocks. One of which is your mental health which needs to be stable for your relationship to progress.
Mental health is one aspect of health that people do not really pay attention to. They give more attention to their physical health than mental health, without realizing that the two of them go hand-in-hand.
Advisably, people who have mental health are advised not to enter a relationship. The reason for this is it is difficult for them to give their all to the relationship without encountering tough and challenging times.
For instance, someone who is suffering from depression would not make a relationship fun-filled as it should be.
Hence, it is suitable to sort out yourself before committing to a partner, it saves you lots of challenges that you might face in your relationship.
There is one way to know if you have a mental health problem. If you observe and see that you exhibit behaviors that is beyond the normal, then you might be showing signs of a possible mental health problem.
Thankfully, there are proficient treatment for mental health problems that aim to put your life back on track. And it is best that from time to time, check on your health by seeing a medical practitioner who would be able to detect if you have an underlying mental health problem or not.

If you are verified to have a mental health problem, there is no need to fret. The best step to take is to follow the directives of your health care provider. With time, you will be glad to discover that the state of your mental health is better than before.
Starting from the counseling stage, you will discover the root cause of your mental health and you will have a more directional sense of purpose.